
Useful links to regional and national organisations and agencies

The SLI Programme engages with a number of different organisations working in the Children's Services arena

Useful links

We have included a range of useful links to organisations which are either involved in the SLI Programme, working specifically for the Eastern Region, or are national agencies working within the Children’s Services arena. If you would like to add other agencies to this list, please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

Agencies working specifically in the East of England

East of England Local Government Association - EELGA





The East of England LGA is a politically-led, cross party organisation which works on behalf of the 52 local councils in the East of England to harness their collective strength to shape and serve their communities and localities


ADASS Sector Led Improvement






ADASS is the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services. Within the Eastern Region, there is an equivalent role of sector led improvement for adults' services. 



Eastern Region SEND Peer Network

SEND logo


The purpose of the Eastern Region SEND Peer Network is to bring together key partners from the Local Areas in the region to share information, develop strategic approaches and implement operational practices for the benefit of children and young people with SEND and their families.

Hertfordshire is the lead local authority for the region, and a governance group meets quarterly, with representation from parent carer forums, education, social care, health and ADCS. Activity is agreed and monitored by the governance group through an annual delivery plan.

National agencies working with services for children and young people

ADCS - the Association of Directors of Children’s Services

The Association of Directors of Children's Services Ltd - ADCS - is the national leadership association in England for statutory directors of children's services and other children's services professionals in leadership roles.




CAFCASS looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings. They work with children and their families, and then advise the courts on what they consider to be in the best interests of individual children.


C4EO - Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services

The Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services provides a range of products and support services to improve outcomes for children young people and their families.


National Consortium for Examination Results (NCER)

NCER is a Community Interest Company providing educational performance data systems. It is owned by, and acts on behalf of, all local authorities in England. It draws on the expertise and creativity of a national professional community of interest to ensure that products continue to evolve and develop to meet the needs of local authorities, and works in partnership with key national stakeholders such as the DFE, ADCS, Solace and the LGA to develop data systems which support key statutory education obligations and Section 13A duties (Education Act 1996).


National Association of Virtual School Heads

All local authorities in England are required to have a Virtual School Head who monitors looked after children as if they were in one school, The Virtual School. The role of the Virtual School Head and The Virtual School varies across authorities but all work with other professionals to help improve the outcomes of looked after children.